Welcome to the Trinity Presbyterian Youth Group!
We are a group of learning teens ranging from 6th grade to 12th grade. Under the teachings of Eunice Paik, we are currently soaring through the Book of Romans, written by the Apostle Paul, who was a former Christian persecutor, but converted to Christianity when he encountered Jesus Christ upon travelling to Damascus to persecute more Christians. He was fell from his horse and was blinded. A few days later, he was visited by the disciple Ananias, who restored his vision. He then began to preach Jesus’ gospel (His story is in the Book of Acts, located in the New Testament). In the Book of Romans, Paul provides answers and information for many topics, such as sovereignty, Old Self vs New Self, Justification, Sanctification, Judgement, Spiritual Growth, and the Righteousness of God. We welcome and encourage anyone and everyone to join us!
Every second week of each month, we sing songs for the congregation, and we would be more than happy if you could join us for the performances as well!
We hope to see you soon!